Tonight’s Alfred shows Alfred at his best while alluding to
his own back story. In the constant rewriting of Alfred’s back story/origin he’s
been everything from an army Doctor to an actor; even a member of MI5. In
short, Alfred was hired for more than just his ability to be in charge of large
and little butts (bottles) of wine, beer and butter. Tonight’s episode was also
about lessons – lessons learned and those that need to be learned. Surprisingly
enough it’s Selina not Alfred or Harvey who points this out to both Bruce and
Gordon. The toughest lessons for Bruce and Gordon are going to involve
deception, politics, loyalty and power. What I’m expecting for Gordon in next
week’s episode of Gotham is his attempted demise by Maroney – not Falcon! To
Falcon, Gordon is exactly the type of cop he needs in Gotham, but on a short
leash; a cop that can keep everyone honest. In fact, it may very well be Penguin
and Falcon that prove instrumental in Gordon being restored to his former
position as detective Lieutenant Gordon of GCPD because Gordon is going to
prove extremely important in Penguin’s rise to power in Gotham’s underworld. In
terms of Selina, I wouldn’t be surprise if she ends up laying low for a few
episodes as she undergoes her own metamorphous that leads towards her becoming
Picture: By The Atlantic Disfactor art: By Jabram Allen According to David Shariatmadari off the Guardian “We think we know what a gay person sounds like. But there are caveats to the cliche — and ‘voice-shaming’ tells us a lot more about our culture than it does about the person speaking” According to Shariatmadari; “the research says probably not. There’s mountains of evidence to suggest we adapt our speech to more closely resemble that of people we identify with. The particular sounds a group of speakers makes use of are arbitrary. They acquire meaning and recognizability only through association. The fact that these changes are usually unconscious is well documented. But, linguistically speaking, sounding gay is really no different from sounding street, sounding posh or sounding like a bro”. In other words, groups develop, practice and telegraph those actions that set them apart from other groups so that they may be intentionally recognized by those that don’t be...
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