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My Response to Christians on Transhumanism

The greatest sin of Christianity has been its attempt to maintain "White Male" supremacy at all costs -- even the cost of its own integrity. Is it any wonder why large groups of nonwhite individuals would eventually turn away from God; once they discovered the belligerent flaws within White Christian traditionalism. Thus; how many white Christians or Christians of any race or gender that prescribe to the nonsense of these traditions can be called children of God; let alone saved. "How can you say you love me, whom you have not seen, when you do not love your brother who you have seen". How can you be saved and be a racist! In short, who or what do you love more - God or privilege based upon skin color. If, members of humanity turn away from being human and become Gibbon/Giborim through transhumanism it will be those who have been unwillingly disinvested of their humanity by those who claim to know God, but insist upon degrees of whiteness being a measure of humaness; especially valued humanness. Search this link to discover God's view of racism

If I am not good enough as I am in my current body; then isn't the fault with God and not myself due to God's creation of my being as a contrast to whiteness. If my creation as a person of color is not of my doing, and is a disgrace to humanity - then shouldn't I search for a means of correcting God's mistake by either removing myself from existence through suicide, which you state is a sin against God, or through genetic manipulation in order to obtain that which you deem to be perfection? If that's the case then how can you stand against transhumanism; let alone my utilization of transhumanism to physically obtain your idea of mental and physical perfection. Search this link to determine if my argument is valid

In order for chattel slavery to be justified as a means of socioenomic development within America, Africans and Afro-descendent individuals had to be considered less than human, they had to be considered animalistic in nature; thus, if transhumanism is combining human and animal genetic materials together in order to create a new species then Am I not as a non-human creature simply attempting to improve upon my genetics by utilizing the genetics of superior species to raise myself to a higher level of mental and physical existence that would enable me to obtain self-sufficiency, determinism and self determined identity. If, transhumanism is a sin - then it is not a sin that I am in danger of committing since I am still considered less than human.


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