Click Link History of Britannica What seems to be missing is that every consciousness that utilizes the Tarot is not a white Male Western consciousness, despite the Tarots appearance in Italy and the knowledge that many symbols within the Tarot have transitioned from culture to culture, it still reflects the symbolism of the collective unconsciousness. It has recently come to light by some authors that the Tarot symbols are not of male or Western male origin, but of female and Eastern origin and possess a history that is older than Western Civilization. It would not be a mistake to consider the Hierophant as the usurpation of the High Priestess position as you view the historical interaction between nature based cultures and pre-industrial based cultures (bronze/iron based cultures) versus hunter gatherer/pastoral cultures that are based upon the worship of the mensis and the moon. Ancient priests and priestesses[edit] Sumerian and Akkadian Entu or EN were top-ranking pries...
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