The Star Wars universe is one in which all sentient life (main characters) possess in-depth back stories that cause them to either take up specific causes or seek out forms of self-actualization rather its through redemption or acquiring power for power's sake. Which is why the importance of women including trans-women, minorities and white men desiring to assist in creating a just universe becomes even more important than white men and women who believe that they are all that are good in the universe and not associated with anything that is evil; bland vanilla characters that support white supremacy as they fail to acknowledge the importance of other races or genders within the universe other than as transitional objects to be utilized to carry out their own struggle of self-actualization. As the Star Wars anthology becomes more adult oriented it also becomes more vibrant and potent. So if its various creators continue to include a greater mix of diverse races and genders as main characters, I foresee Star Wars being able to continue for a long time. Personally I would like to see a transgender character in a main role in Star Wars since this is a universe where human DNA is easily altered through technology.
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