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Autism Amongst African-American Boys.

Ferguson Riot 
According to August 18th’s, 2014 Marketwired article, Dr. Brian Hooker a PhD in biochemical engineering working for the Focus Autism Foundation, uncovered data manipulation by the CDC concerning the incident rate of autism amongst African-American boys. His discover of this manipulation didn’t occur until after successfully filling a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for original data on the DE Stefano et al MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) and autism study. He was assisted in making this discover by an unknown whistleblower at the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention). Dr. Hooker's study was published August 8th in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Translational Neurodegeneration. This study showed that African-American boys receiving their first MMR vaccine before 36 months of age are 3.4 times more likely to develop autism vs. after 36 months.

This discovery points out exactly why some individuals believe that various forms of race based pseudo sciences was necessary in proving that people of color especially; blacks were socially and intellectually inferior to all other groups. As stated by talk show host Dr. Stanley Monteith "Reality is scoffed at; illusion is king." Perhaps this is why some of us believe that once you can establish questionable race based pseudo sciences as a reality by creating a supporting reality brought about through actual science, it then becomes possible to utilize fraudulent pseudo sciences to support hostile socio-economic and political agendas that benefit those who wish to establish them. If you could prove that exposure to children of color are the reason for a white child's failing test scores, anti-social behavior, and declining physical well-being why would you question that there could be any other reason for such things befalling a white child. Magicians' refer to this maneuver as misdirection; a tactic often utilized by racist politicians and other policy creators.

Unfortunately, most whites are only beginning to discover the true cost of white privilege; especially when it was never intended for them, but their ruling class superiors who consider themselves as genetically superior to average whites -- just as average whites consider themselves genetically superior to people of color. According to Luke Visconti’s Ask the White Guy column "Then Sen. Obama was the third black senator since reconstruction (which ended in approximately 1877). There have been 1,148 senators sworn in since 1877. African Americans have been fairly consistent at 13 percent of our population. If whites felt that blacks were intellectually equal, they certainly wouldn't have enslaved African Americans, and the Senate would have been far more than 0.26 percent black." The problem with whites continuing to believe in such race based propaganda is that it leaves them vulnerable further political and socio-economic manipulation by those seeking to undermine not only people of color, but those whites that they consider not white enough!


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