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  •, As long as we are able to accept our capacity to be assimilated into whiteness if we are not to dark, or to gay, or to radical: we will always be manipulated by those possessing wealth and privilege who are unashamed of how they rewrite history to cover their transgressions; especially if it paints the privilege into a pretty picture; one where they are able to practice divide and conquer tactics by creating favored minorities which can be pitted against each other in order to compete for limited resources. This is also compounded by altering or omitting historical facts that would the least favored minorities to be viewed as actual socioeconomic contributors in various fields of endeavor that range from entertainment to math and science. Unfortunately this is still the case with those segments of our population that is darker than others. This is why I resent black history month because blacks are still presented as having nothing to do with technical or scientific developments in America; instead we are presented as happy, smiling faces that can only sing and dance.
    Despite platitudes about living in a race-blind society, a new study from Brandeis University shows that the wealth gap between Whites and Blacks tripled in ...
  • Jabram Allen This is also compounded by altering or omitting historical facts that would the least favored minorities to be viewed as actual socioeconomic contributors in various fields of endeavor that range from entertainment to math and science. Unfortunately this is still the case with those segments of our population that is darker than others. This is why I resent black history month because blacks are still presented as having nothing to do with technical or scientific developments in America; instead we are presented as happy, smiling faces that can only sing and dance.
    Every February, without fail, some white people ask "Why is there no White History Month?" In response, I'm examining the concepts of equality, privilege, an...
  • Jabram Allen
    Who invented microphones, PCs, and video game consoles? In honor of Black Histor...See More


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