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Showing posts from March, 2012
Iam currently present at the ACN IBO training. Despite negative opinions on the net they are honest about not making money overnight and it requiring hardwork too be successful at this business. So, makes it very different from other networking schemes. Later on this week I will be checking in with entities such as Comcast, Sprint, etc in order to see if there is really a business connection. There is a common fact that should be clear -- no matter what the cost of joining the cost does not determine if you will be successful or not, but the effort involved. At least with ACN you are assissted in attempting to make money and run it as a business.

Who Hijacked Affrimative Action

By being able to lawfully snatch black men into the legalized slavery of a U.S penal system being purchased by white corporations; white men were easily displaced as laborers. Despite civil rights and affirmative action, black America’s socio-economic development into a healthy, fully functioning member of U.S society has been partially aborted due to affirmative action’s continued manipulation by various parties that have had a vested interest in usurping it for their own purposes. These parties have included: corporate America, politicized special interest groups and a black token leadership that conned blacks into becoming disposable foot soldiers used to push socio-economic and political agendas harmful to both blacks and the U.S political economy.   Perhaps the most manipulative of these groups would be white gay men and women. In Tim Wise’s easy “Is Sisterhood Conditional?: White Women and the Rollback of Affirmative Action” (et. al National Women’s Studies Associatio...