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Showing posts from 2011

How Banking Practices Create Unemployment

According to Associated Press finance writers Eileen Aj Connelly, and Dave Carpenter of Associated Press (et. al September 30, 2011) “38.7 million people carry Bank of America debit cards. However, the recently instated $5.00 will apply to various services that are offered by Bank of America not just debit cards.” The problem with Bank of America’s new service charge is that it will adversely affect its’ disabled and elderly customers. Nearly $ 4.5 billion of unauthorized overdraft fees are taken from people who are heavily dependent on Social Security.   Debit cards are the most frequent overdraft trigger for individuals existing on fixed incomes. Bank practices intentionally maximize overdrafts by automatically approving debit purchases, debiting the highest dollar amount first then artificially increasing the number of fees that can charge. Although Bank of America has stated that it will not charge an overdraft fee for a client those account is overdrawn by an amount less...
How Employment Assists in Mental Health/Substance Abuse Recovery By: Jabram Raven Allen    Meaningful employment positively impacts individuals in recovery from mental health and substance abuse by: 1) making them too tired to engage in former drug related activities directly after work, 2) bringing them under socialized peer pressure which can be exerted upon a macro (society as a whole ranging from employers to friends) and micro level (close associations), 3) implants healthy fears about losing hard won positions of respect within society and monetary rewards, 4) assist in developing and maintaining refusal skills – the ability to say – no – to their drug of choice, past dysfunctional behaviors and life style; thus, providing those in recovery from mental illness and substance abuse who are suffering from long term unemployment with meaningful jobs actually assist in their recovery as it reduces taxes – this is because taxes are utilized to pay for drug treatment ...

Ask Santana

SF Lighthouse Church Clothing Line According to (2011 The Associated Press)," Santana said in an impromptu news conference after the ceremony. "This is about fear. Stop shucking and jiving. People are afraid we're going to steal your job. No we aren't. You're not going to change sheets and clean toilets."  These are the two things I have against Mr. Santana’s statement 1st, like most anti-immigration advocates, he never addresses the immigration laws of other countries – particularly Mexico’s, or Costa Rica’s. However, Mexican authorities are known for their brutality and their refusal to allow illegal immigrants to protest against their treatment by Mexican authorities; in fact, Mexico’s, Arizona and Atlanta’s are similar. But, their similarities end with their actions; our government allows illegal immigrants to protest against their own treatment, and does not engage in the brutality that Mexico utilizes against them when they do so.   These are...
The Eco-sphere vs. BP Why BP’s Oil Spill is a Case for Right of Eminent Domain by US Government By: Jabrim Raven Allen Does BP’s $2 billion fund truly amount to a “shake down” of its financial assets by the President as stated by GOP Rep. Joe Barton, or just a slap on the wrist? Isn’t it BP that should be apologizing to both Great Britain and the United States; while offering to make amends for lives lost during the initial disaster and creating the greatest man-made disaster in both US and British histories? Politically, if the US were to exercise its right of “Eminent Domain” it would lose socio-political and economic confluence with Britain; thus further endangering its relationship with Britain which could affect its military campaign in Afghanistan; yet if Britain were to acknowledge the US’s right of “Eminent Domain” over BP, it could result in a loss of international prestige for Britain and endanger her own economic recovery due to the rest of her oil companies repu...
Hotel California Condemned Till Further Notice Despite what has been said, we do not have to utilize billions of dollars to resolve our issues in California. First, let’s consider our immigration policies; if we were to actually enforce them, it would mean creating a split within the Left and siding with the Right. Personally, I could care less about the Left and its bizarre policies of justified white guilt, paternalism and back pedaling. In Cost Rica, an individual that is not a citizen is not allowed to work for two years, and even then must receive special permission to do so. Costa Rica has created this law to protect its people from being displaced by foreigners who may possess higher levels of education or technical skills. There are other countries in South America that also possess various laws dealing with immigration, legal or illegal. Yet, the Left never speaks about these laws; it never speaks about the attempts of South Americans to protect their countries from unw...

How Non-profits Help Themselves by Serving the Working Poor As Poverty Pimps

In our hatred, we’ve referred to each other in various disparaging terms to describe each other's socio-economic position within our great society. The most common of these is trailer trash. However, I perceive that in our future there will be two groups of people – those that live in mansions and those that live in trailers. Thus; the poor of all stripes will be united as a trailer trash nation! According to the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC),” 40 percent of those facing eviction from foreclosure in the US are renters; yet regulations on the rental industry vary state to state with little protection for those living in rental properties.” Since 2000 of this decade a manufactured home started and remained at $35,000.00 and moved upwards above $100,000.00this is in-spite of the economy’s changing condition.  Yet, this cannot be said for traditional homes; in bad condition traditional homes may start at $45,000.00 and sky rocket upward towards the economic...
How Unionism Created the Coming Jobs Depression By: Jabram Raven Allen Jan. 27 th 2011 Due to Union opposition in creating a three tier work force consisting of : civic workers ( workers that would rely upon our current government for employment in areas of public works and service; while accepting a 1/3 salary cut in those salaries normally earned by both Union and private sector workers in exchange for job permanency, compensatory benefits, no union representation), private sector workers (those willing to compete in an open job market for lucrative business opportunities while risking frequent unemployment, lack of employee representation and bargaining power usually provided by unions), and finally Union workers that rely upon Unions to secure steady employment, healthy work conditions and benefits through collective bargaining and their ability to organize, support, and implement public protest against employers which are capable of disrupting productivity; thus preve...
How Allowing Community Colleges to Offer Four Year Degrees Protect the U.S Workforce By Jabram Raven Allen 07/23/11 According to John Rice, director of institutional advancement at Great Basin College   “community colleges that offer four-year degrees aren’t necessarily trying to fit the mold of a university. The degrees being conferred across the United States are applied degrees that are not the venue of the university such as nursing and teaching education degrees where the universities are not able to meet the demand” said Hagan (et. al Nallelie Vega   February 3, 2010). In short; once these potential students are displaced by students from neighboring states they are much more likely to become welfare dependents and a strain upon their states social welfare system. According to an article written by Wonseon Kyung (Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 67, 1996 In-Migration of College Students to the State of New York Journal) “The interstate migration of college st...