The film's introductory elements are its: fast pace portrayed through its frantic typists and roller skating mail clerks; its corporate uniformity as evidenced through its employees dress code, hair style and identical typewriters. Various technically correct, photographic shots taken of A.B's company states that the company is a conservative, fast paced handler of information. The film's potentially lesbian character is A.B the company's competent secretary who is a predecessor of Miss Jane from the Beverley Hillbillies. From waist to collar, A.B is an unquestioned representation of: male intellect, efficiency and level-headedness; from waist to shoe lace, A.B is all woman or is she? A.B's gender is immediately put up for audience debate by Clinging Vine's writers and creators. The question of A.B's gender is further highlighted by how her subordinates interact with A.B within their hierarchical corporate relati...
Reviews of versatile media in Pop Culture: Graphic Novels, Movies, Television and current events