Martin is now a multimillionaire over night! My first words upon witnessing the massacre was "YOU BASTARD!!!!" It was a tragic end to a great love affair, but that night witnessed the end of many potential great love affairs - John and Egret, the wilding maid and her gentle giant. I had a nagging regret that Arya was not going to be reunited with her family that something would interfere to prevent it. But,I never dreamed it would be such treachery. However, what can be expected from a Lannister but greater levels of treachery in their ruthless pursuit of power and fulfillment of their wanton lust. It would appear that only Tyrion despite his reputation is all that is good about the Lannister name. As the Lannisters join King Herod as one of history's greatest villains, George R. R. Martin has joined the ranks of writers that have made millions from high drama, classic plot lines and speculative fantasy.
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